Gosh, I had to think hard about doing this post. I just don't feel like much has been happening the last two weeks. But, surprise, surprise!
This is the back of my Hexie Log Cabin quilt as you go. I've been working on Row 7 and when my last two hexies are completed, then that row can be added to the main body.
Then, I was busy cutting out strips ....... to make another bargello quilt like this one below.Then, I was busy pulling out fabrics to see which ones would work for borders for this top. Lots and lots of fabrics were pulled, auditioned and these are the final decision. This was a hard choice to find and I'm not totally happy with the final choice, but it will do.
The days here are getting cooler. Our temps have been hovering between 0C to 10C and this little guy is looking for warmth. He likes our fireplace. We even find him laying on top of the fireplace to soak up any extra heat.
Why do I feel that not much progress has happened? Night time is my time to do handwork ..... except Ridley has decided that is his time to cuddle on my lap or literally in my arms like a baby. Not much happens then except watch some t.v. He had two seizures last week and the vet has increased his meds. We will see how long before the next round of seizures happen again. I do find after a bout, he is even more cuddly. His seizures this time have changed. Towards the end, he suddenly surges forward and will crash head first into anything. I stay with him and try to restrain him to prevent hurting himself but he is so strong. The first bout, he went head first into a corner where my quilts are stored. That was lucky for him. Second bout, he went head first into a wall until I was able to grab him and then hold him down. After these two bouts, his recovery time was much longer. Poor little guy.Blogger has been doing changes to their system and is screwing up functions. Just to do this post was difficult. Also, when anyone leaves a comment, I am unable to reply back as everyone comes through as no-reply. So, lately, if you left a comment .... thank you!
Cherish your day, cherish your life!
the back is pretty too! your feelings might just be due to time change doldrums...and poor cat...
Poor Ridley, he is lucky to have a loving home to care for him and watch out for him. Such a sweet looking boy. You may feel that your progress is slow but it is still progress and it is always lovely to see what you are working on.
Poor Ridley....many years ago we had a dog with epilepsy and his seizures were as you describe Ridley's; it's more common in animals than people know. Those border fabrics will work, you always make good choices! Like you I don't know what Blogger is doing, I'm having the same issues too. Hopefully it will get sorted out.
The Hexie Log Cabin is so lovely on the back. It will be a reversible quilt for sure. Awesome work! Don't know what you had in mind for the borders but those in pictures work very well. I feel for Ridley too. Lucky for him to have such good and caring parents. Give him a nice long back rub for me please. ;^)
Our dog, Lucy started having seizures when she was 14 years old and as it turned out near the end of her life. Sometimes she looked as if she was nipping at the air. Gosh bit I miss her. I hope the dose increase helps Ridley.
Awe, Ridley needs love and companionship. Fur friends are worth it. We are on this earth to love others, so you are doing your job.
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