Saturday, September 14, 2024

Scrappy Bargello

My sister and I went to the cottage this week for an overnight stay.  What was supposed to be a nice, sunny turned out to be cold and rainy.  So, no sitting on the porch in that weather.  Instead, we sat inside and while my sister read a book, I finished sewing the binding down onto this quilt.

Close-up of the quilting design called "Squig" by T.J. Speiser Stitch Happy.  It is like a meander and I wanted something simple for the quilt.
Quilt Details:
Source:  A Bonnie Hunter free pattern at Quiltville
Started:  March 2024
Quilt Finished:  September 2024
Machine Quilted by:  Kathy Wareham
Quilt Size:  61" x 77"
Batting:  Hobbs polyester

Lately, I've noticed that quilts are being started and finished in the same year.  That is such a good thing.  No need for more UFO's.

There will be more babysitting this coming weekend and there is another quilt with binding already sewn on.  So, I'm hoping to get a good start on that quilt and hope for another finish this month.

The wedding last weekend was lovely ..... except it was pouring rain and very cold.  Up the hill and surrounding areas ..... they had snow!  Still, we had a good time and wore our winter coats.   The funny thing is that I wore sandals and was barefoot.  My toes were a tad cold and wet from walking in the rain.  Oh well, what we do for fashion, eh!   This is one of my favourite photos of the newlyweds.
I will be making a wedding quilt from all the squares that guests signed at the reception.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!


loulee said...

Lovely wedding photo. One of these days I'll try a scrappy bargello.

Gretchen Weaver said...

Scrappy bargello is lovely! I made Bonnie's pattern several years ago, I need to make another one. Happy stitching!

Jennifer said...

No matter what the weather, a wedding day is always a good day! I have looked at that pattern for ages but have never gotten around to making one.

cityquilter grace said...

ah sometimes mother nature has her own mind...lovely photo tho...sorry your weekend was a wash but i guess relaxing never is regardless of weather...nice quilt finish!

Arish said...

La colcha te ha quedado estupenda y la foto de los novios ¡¡es preciosa!!

Vicki W said...

I love your scrappy quilt. About 10 years ago I made a strong effort to clear out my UFO projects. It's so much nice to only have a few at any time. I think I finish them faster without all that mental clutter.