Saturday, September 14, 2024

Scrappy Bargello

My sister and I went to the cottage this week for an overnight stay.  What was supposed to be a nice, sunny turned out to be cold and rainy.  So, no sitting on the porch in that weather.  Instead, we sat inside and while my sister read a book, I finished sewing the binding down onto this quilt.

Close-up of the quilting design called "Squig" by T.J. Speiser Stitch Happy.  It is like a meander and I wanted something simple for the quilt.
Quilt Details:
Source:  A Bonnie Hunter free pattern at Quiltville
Started:  March 2024
Quilt Finished:  September 2024
Machine Quilted by:  Kathy Wareham
Quilt Size:  61" x 77"
Batting:  Hobbs polyester

Lately, I've noticed that quilts are being started and finished in the same year.  That is such a good thing.  No need for more UFO's.

There will be more babysitting this coming weekend and there is another quilt with binding already sewn on.  So, I'm hoping to get a good start on that quilt and hope for another finish this month.

The wedding last weekend was lovely ..... except it was pouring rain and very cold.  Up the hill and surrounding areas ..... they had snow!  Still, we had a good time and wore our winter coats.   The funny thing is that I wore sandals and was barefoot.  My toes were a tad cold and wet from walking in the rain.  Oh well, what we do for fashion, eh!   This is one of my favourite photos of the newlyweds.
I will be making a wedding quilt from all the squares that guests signed at the reception.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

September Quilts

The leaves on the trees are turning colour ..... time to bring out the September quilts.  The pumpkin quilts might even stay out for October.  I saw some pumpkins in the grocery store already.  

Every time I look at this crazy patch quilt ..... I want to make more to use up my scraps.

We have been having a lot of bear sightings in town lately.  Over a week ago, a bear was seen next door eating crab apples on the front lawn.  Then two nights ago, another neighbour saw a mama bear with cubs on her front lawn.  I've been hearing movement in the bushes on the hill behind us during the night.  Yesterday afternoon, I saw a truck pull up and park on the street next door.  It was hauling a bear cage.  It left, but may be back if there are more sightings on our street.  Apparently, there has not been much berry food for the bears and they are hungry and that is why they are coming into town.

I expect to see this cage back here soon .....
.... because this is what another neighbour on our street saw outside her LR window last night.  Look closely in the tree!   Hubby has been warned not to venture outside at all.  He does like to step outside and sit on our patio but this has now become too risky for him because if he did see a bear, he can't move fast enough to escape inside our home.

All of the wedding clothing alterations have been done.   Squares for a memory quilt have been cut out.  The wedding is this afternoon.  So happy to have those things to do checked off my list!  Now to sit back and enjoy!

Cherish your day, cherish your life!