Friday, May 3, 2024

May Challenges

May has come ..... the grass is green ..... things are starting to sprout up in the garden.

With May comes new challenges.

For the Chookshed Stitchers Challenge 2024, this is my UFO to work on.  This project dates back to 2014.  I took a class when my friend Debra came up to our guild and taught us this pattern.   The book is someplace and I will need to find it to figure out how to do the rest.  If not, then I will need to put on my thinking cap and figure it out!  

I will also still work on my Rail Fence Delight.  I do want to get this project moved along more.  It will take another month or so because there is still a lot of applique to do.
Also for May, no-blog Mary and I are still doing our monthly binding challenge.  This is Mary's quilt to bind.  Cute, eh!
This will be my quilt to bind. 

Cherish your day, cherish your life!


cityquilter grace said...

that is a lovely challenge for may!

Gretchen Weaver said...

Rail Fence delight is so pretty! I look forward to viewing this one as a finish. That star quilt looks interesting also. Happy stitching!

Kim said...

Your 2014 quilt looks tricky with all that piecing. Cute little critters in Mary's quilt. As ever, you have a lot of projects to keep you busy.

Laura said...

Wow! Lovin' that lone star! Great goals for the month! :)

loulee said...

The lone star is stunning. I hope you make some great progress. Lovely to see that the rail fence will still get some love too.
Mar's binding challenge quilt is lovely, and so is yours. You two are doing so well.

Jennifer said...

Love love love that Lone Star!

Chookyblue...... said...

I have a quilt I need to bind this week.........
Hope you found the book for the quilt......