Wednesday, March 13, 2019

A new top

I've been busy making a new top for a little niece.  Her birthday is in May.  To get me started, her Mom sent me a photo and colour ideas to base the quilt around.

The colours are jade greens and pinks with grey.  Yep, I can do that.  The greens are first up.
Next were pink and grey HST's laid out as per the quilt photo she sent me.
This is when a twist was added.  Every second HST's got turned around so that the look zig zagged.  Both photos were sent and this is the look that was agreed upon.  The twist.
Sewing of the rows started but I did have a slight problem with one row.  Yikes, how did that happen?
Three days later, a complete top!  That was really quick!  No borders.  Maybe that is why?  The colours are much brighter than shown in the photos.  I'm using my ipad for photos and am wondering if there is a way to add a flash. 
 A closer look at the fabrics.
Now, for something entirely different.  Watch for it ...
A neighbour riding behind his machine called a 'snow dog'.
Pulling another sleigh with another neighbour who is in her early 80's and she was having a ball waving to everyone.  LOL
And walking another neighbour's dog at the same time.  We are a very friendly street.
Here he is again on his way to the end of the street to give a group of kids a ride.   Young and old are game for a ride up and down the street.  My husband had a ride a few weeks ago.  He was shovelling the snow on the driveway and he was offered a ride.  Giddy up, let's go!   With all this snow, we have to find ways to make fun.
To add to our snow .... guess what .... it is snowing again!

We are so glad to have had our roof shovelled a month ago because there are reports of roofs starting to collapse in town. 

Have a great day!

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Jennifer said...

Well, that snow dog sure looks like fun! Will you be having a ride? I like your modern quilt idea......turning those triangles is definitely the way to go.

Shelina said...

That is an interesting quilt - I like the color and the modern twist. That sledding looks like a lot of fun, but it is too much snow for me!

Nancy said...

Oh, wow, what a beautiful quilt! Just stunning! I love the colors and seeing them used together. I'm looking forward to seeing it finished.
I wish we had snow like you do (we had mid-60s today) and a neighbor with such a fun sleigh. Did you get a ride?

moosecraft said...

Looks like you have the most wonderful neighbors!!!! Great colors in that quilt too!