Hank decided to join Ashes and I for quilting and both girls have settled in for cozy afternoons of sewing …... well, they sort of settled in …. after a ‘staring off’ contest each time. Usually, there is just one girl at a time on my lap, but I was away for a few days and suddenly they are both on my chair now at the same time. In the first photo, I’m just finishing the binding on my embroidered flower quilt and then it will be ready for blocking.

I really, really need some hand work while the girls are snoozing with me. Gosh, there is just barely room for me in that chair, so my projects have to be small to work on. When they are both with me, I’m warm as can be on these very cold winter days. Just my feet get cold sometimes and I have my sunny lap quilt handy to throw over my feet.

Now .... doesn't Ashes look blissful spaced out on her back? What characters these two girls are and how lucky we were to inherit them! :o)
We are all connected by our constant companions aren't we? Beautiful cats! Sharyn/KalamaQuilts
You were missed.....
I have a chair similar to that and when my dog gets up there with me you hate to move.
What lucky girls to have found their way to you. They certainly don't seem to have any problems with getting comfortable but having said that I have yet to meet a cat who couldn't at least appear comfortable in whatever position they were in.
You're so lucky. My little cat doesn't do that, but we love her just the same.
Let's here it for portable heaters and good quilting cats. They like Hexagons. I heard that somewhere. ;) I can't get over Ashes on her back casually relaxed, exceptional chilled out. What a GREAT shot!
I love days like this with Simon and Schuster...my snuggle guys. Who knew you would enjoy a pair of cats so much, huh? Nice!
Great photos!
Isn't it just heaven when you've got your kitties nearby. I love it!
You all look so cozy there! I wish i could join you!
You won´t be cold with your friends sleeping on you.
Two beautiful cats! I have to put aside any hand sewing project for awhile each evening, because our 70 pound Dodger believes she is a lap dog and must have her time in my lap. Then there is Chicca who loves to lay atop any quilt and give it her approval. So, I really enjoyed your blog and pictures. Thanks for sharing.
I only have to share my chair with one cat. Cats are wonderful!
Gorgeous cats! I joined the 'Hexalong' group too. Hexagons are great handwork and if you only work one flower at a time you may have enough space for the cats too :-)
your cats & my cats must have read the same cat manual... (Cuddling together can only occur on the girls terms. That boy can not initiate cuddling.)
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