Sunday, August 11, 2024

Lorna's Vine

Three fabrics were pulled and pinned onto my design wall to see which one would be best for the alternating squares.  The one on the right is out completely.  I like the other two and am having a hard time to decide.  The one in the middle has an obvious diagonal line and I don't really want to see that.  So, thinking outside the box .... te he ..... what about taking the left hand fabric and cutting it into squares the same size as the corner stone and using the middle fabric to frame it?  Now, that idea appeals to me a lot.  Looking at the sashing and corner pieces just pinned in place, I'm liking this project a lot!  The striped fabric on the left will be the borders.  So, more on this idea in another post.

My niece sent me this photo of the quilt that her oldest daughter (age 12) picked to go with them on their family reunion.  I'm surprised that she still is using it!  That quilt was made for her when she was just a few years old.  It is still going strong.

Cherish your day, cherish your life!


Jennifer said...

Good idea - two fabrics are definitely worth more than one! How sweet that your niece's childhood quilt is still cherished and loved.

Ruth F said...

Rose Marie, I've never commented to you before, so wanted to say a big THANK YOU for continuing your blog when so many are dropping out. I enjoy every post, and am inspired especially by your applique work. I made my first quilt in elementary school, and continued over the years while working fulltime. Now that I'm retired, I realize I have more fabric and plans than lifetime left to accomplish all of it. That's ok--I have a plan!
Right now I'm making 3 twin quilts for granddaughters ages 3, 6, and 8--same fabrics, but different designs; working on each 2 days a week has been the perfect plan to finish all 3 of them close together (so no one can say "I got my quilt before you did...").
Thanks too for all your photos--I've saved quite a few to my Pinterest "Quilt Dreams" board.
Ruth in VA

Gretchen Weaver said...

Lorna's Vine is beautiful! How wonderful your granddaughter still loves her quilt. Happy stitching!

loulee said...

Lovely to see plans being made and coming together. Great to know that the older quilts are still loved.

Vicki W said...

It's always a thrill to find out that a quilt is still loved!

cityquilter grace said...

it is always so helpful to audition fabrics...i am partial to the left...brighter, crisper, i think it highlights the other squares better...but just my 2 cents...and quilts truly are comforts, they go with us everywhere as long as possible...i carted around my first quilt until it could no longer be salvaged...had to say goodby to a comforting companion...thankfully could make more, not so true of our loved ones tho...

Barwitzki said...

Oh, that would be nice... I would also choose the fabric on the left with the small, delicate flowers and the binding on the far left. Splendid :-)
No wonder this wonderful children's blanket is still in use, what a little treasure.
Many warm greetings come to you from Viola. I wish you happy sew work.

Florida Farm Girl said...

Love that pattern in the blue. Haven't gotten to that project yet even though I did get the pattern. I have more ideas than time and energy.

dq said...

Lorna's vine is gorgeous! The center blue one really speaks to me, but then, I ca only barely see the lines in it that concerns you.