Tuesday, May 18, 2021


That is what this top needs to be called ..... all those blocks look like present boxes with bows and ribbons.

So far, two corners have strips appliqued in the setting triangles.  I'm happy with the look now.

A decision has been made for the outer borders and they will be done soon.

This is a good project to work on at the cottage.

My sister and I made a trip out to the cottage this past weekend and we are now set up for the season.  Our one solar panel is hooked up, water is in the big container and the pump is hooked up.  The propane fridge is working.  We are good to go out and enjoy!

Cherish your day, cherish your life!


Jennifer said...

Wait, what - no stars? *grin*

Carolyn Hansen said...

Hope you have a great trip to the cottage!🙂