This quilt changed me into a scrappy quilter.

A pack of FQ's got me started on this hexagon quilt. This top is all marked up and I'm hoping to set this up on my floor frame. This quilt will have just simple straight lines (curved lines are hard for me to manoever on a floor frame) and that would be easy for me to handle. With our hot weather coming, there is no way that I can quilt with this on my lap.
Can you see where the same fabrics and values are being used over and over but each quilt looks so different?
My diamond hexagon star
and leftovers from my hexagon quilt ...

... the same fabrics used in my Just Blessings top (which has been shelved for now) ...
Ummm, I wonder how many more quilts will get made from this stash. As I am cutting out pieces, small pieces of scraps are starting to emerge instead of a large chunk of fabric. That is a good sign that part of my stash is starting to diminish in size and that, my friends, is a good thing!
... the same fabrics used in my Just Blessings top (which has been shelved for now) ...
This journey has been delightful and my style has finally been found. Oh yes, I love scrappy!
To change the look of future quilts, waiting in the wings is a shelf unit full of 1800's repro fabrics and I have already started 2 projects using those fabrics. They will be scrappy, too!
This post is my entry to Amy's Spring Bloggers' Quilt Festival and I look forward to browsing through all the other entries. Hop on over to Amy's blog and take a peek and enjoy the stories and quilts.
Have a great day!
What a beautiful parade of quilts! Each one is distinctly unique and lovely. There is probably only one way you will discover how many more quilts you can make from the rest of those scraps:)
What a fabulous entry into the Quilt Festival. You probably spent an unbelievable amount of time on those beauties! Thanks for sharing.
wonderful quilts!!! each one different from the other yet from the same stash that is GREAT!!!!!
OMGosh...each quilt is STUNNING!! My personal fave is the basket quilt or is it the hexagon or maybe the..oh heck love them all!!
Rose Marie, this is inspiring, lovely, beautiful and educational on SO MANY LEVELS. Gosh friend, you are truly an amazing quilter. I love this post and all you have to share. I am always learning stuff. I so admire the way you've displayed your quilts and showed how we can use our stash with a little thought and skill. Whew. I just totally dig you, friend!!! Thank you.
What a lovely collection of quilts.....similar fabrics, but oh such different results!
I too am a scrappy quilter. It is so much more fun, I think. Beautiful quilts. I love the Dresden Plates.
I got into being a scrappy quilter when I started collecting for a charm quilt. And that was early in my quilt making. No such things are charm packs at that time so I was buying 1/4 yd pieces of fabric. Been mostly a scrappy quilter ever since.
Great quilts! I especially love the Klosjes. I like scrap quilts as well...
Great quilts! happy scrap quilting!
I love all the different looks you have got from your stash/purchases. What you have done with your scraps is inspiring. Your display of quilts for the festival is lovely and your wise words are appreciated.
You showed some lovely quilts, and I love how they are all linked together in your "story"
Your quilts are all fabulous and I agree that they all have a different look. Sometimes I think it would be easier if I just stuck to a certain type of fabric and made scrappy quilts.
What an inspirational post! Thank you for sharing your story and your gorgeous quilts.
Your quilts are just beautiful! I love seeing how different they are from each other even when you used the same fabrics- Thanks for sharing!
Love it! I was the same way until a Bonnie Hunter program changed my mind. I love the progression of quilts from the same fabric. You have done a marvelous rendition of the Fabric Food Chain!
Gorgeous quilts...and you hand quilt them? Goodness! Thanks for sharing.
Such a beautiful array of scrappy quilts. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, almost like a trunk show and a great lesson in quilting from your stash. Thanks.
Oh my goodness...I just love them, every one. I like scrappy quilts too and nothing suits me better than just to dig through my stash and come up with all kinds of fabrics. I don't even stick with themes - just whatever I find. You do a nice job with your borders. The border on your dresden plate quilt has inspired me on how to do my border on my hexie quilt. I sure do love your blog!!!
Fantastic post! Loved seeing a wonderful quilt show of your quilts...and yes, there definitely is a style that is yours! Love it!
Wow, those quilts are all unique and gorgeous.
As a lover of scrap quilts, I think yours are great - really inspiring and I love the hand quilting - another of my favourite things. Thank you for showing them all.
Celia - scrap quilter from England.
Beautiful & some of your quilts are HUGE! Lovely...
Thanks for sharing these quilts, it looks like your stach works together very well, lovely quilts
Your first quilt in this post? I get it - it's terrific!
Love your quilts! All scrappy from the same stash, but all different!
I adore scrappy quilts and your display has reminded why. Your quilts are all wonderful. And you hand quilt them, too! Wow.
Your quilts are just spectacular. Love all the colours they are so wonderful. Amazing
Wow, that is a lot of work!! All looking great, reminded me of the game where you have to think up a word from the last letter of the previous word...different but connected. tarcey
Hello Rose-Marie,
What a beautiful quilt -parade!!!
What an inspirational post!Thank you.
LG from Germany,Klaudia
What a gorgeous display! They are all beautiful, but I love the hexagons and baskets. I like your idea of not buying too much of any one fabric. I really enjoy applique' and smaller blocks, and a fat quarter really does last a long time, and I enjoy scrappy quilts, too. Great post!
This is very inspirational to me and tells me I should use my scraps now instead of waiting for the perfect project. Thanks!
Your quilts are all lovely.
Your quilts are gorgeous! Amazing how different quilts made from the same fabrics turn out. Oh, and I'm still totally in love with your Dresden Plate quilt ;-)
Wow! Lots and lots and lots of lovely beautiful quilts in various stages. Love them all. Thanks for sharing and have a great day
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