Yes, I’ve learned my lesson and will not be putting my blocks, top, etc. on the floor anymore. I don’t need to have one of my girls cough up hair balls on my work. A few days ago, a hair ball was on the landing on the stairs going down to my studio. No, I don’t need to find surprises on my work.
So, what to do? Walls in my design studio are almost non-existent except for one area where there are sliding doors and I have a piece of batting type of material clipped in front of the doors and that is used all the time. Problem though, it is not tall enough and you all know by now that I make mostly large queen size quilts.
DH came to the rescue. He went out and purchased some rigid Styrofoam boards 24” wide x 86” high. My boards fold up like a screen (accordion style) to store out of the way when not needed.
Tape the seams as shown.

A piece of flannelette sheeting is pinned in place (with an exception).

Because the boards are to be folded, pin the sheet in place until you reach the seam that was taped on the backside. Smooth the sheet as shown by following the arrows, pinning as you go. Now try closing like a screen to see if it works. If not, make adjustments until it does fold properly.

Here is my Lover’s Knot on the board.

Here it is all folded up.

I use a LOT of pins for sticking my blocks in place and you will need pins if you plan to close it up with just single blocks on the board or if you move the design wall around from place to place.
The added bonus to these boards is turning it around and placing another flannelette sheet on the backside and another design wall is ready to use. Two in one ….. now how is that for space saving?
I hope that this helps anyone out there that has a problem with lack of design walls.
BTW …. my girls love to play hide and seek behind my board.