Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Mother

Arina Dorschner Beauregard - 1918-2008

Many thanks to all that left comments regarding my Mom and to those that offered their prayers and thoughts.

Mom celebrated her 90th birthday in hospital and was gone 5 days later. She just lost the will to live and she was so tired of being sick. We buried her on Monday this week. It is a sad time for us and we will miss her a lot.

Of all the photos we have, this one is my favourite. Mom was just 2 yrs. old when this photo was snapped. Love her outfit and the baby chicks.

I'll be staying in North Bay for a few more weeks to help my sister settle her affairs.

Once home, my first priority will be to give my DH a lot of loving and TLC. He has been so patient and understanding regarding my absence from home over the past few years. It was our desire to not have Mom in a nursing home and she needed help to get around especially the past few months of her life.

After that, there are a couple of quilting projects that need to be completed. First, there is a bag that needs to be made (it is currently half assembled) and sent to Judith. It is part of a swap between us. Judith sent me a parcel and it is waiting for me at home (will reveal that gift soon).

Then, it will be time to complete my quilt for the Four Seasons Spring Swap and then to arrange a giveaway to celebrate my 1st year of blogging. Feb. 22 was my anniversary date; but life got in the way and that had to be put aside until later.

So, until I return home, there will be no more posts until Apr. 7 thereabouts.

Take care and have fun quilting!


~Bren~ said...

The photo of your mother is wonderful! You will continue to be in my prayers. I thought of you often this past week.

Teresa said...

A sweet picture of your mom and also a reminder of how quickly our lives are lived. I will pray for safety in your return home and peace.

Anonymous said...

Terrific photo, continued prayers for you and yours.

Ila K. said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing the lovely picture.

Safe travels

Cathi said...

I'm very sorry for your loss. I know it's a tough time. The photograph is very sweet, I can see why you like it so much.

Jeanne said...

Rose Marie, I'm so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. The photo of your mom at two is a wonderful keepsake. Thank you for sharing it.

Unknown said...

Dear Rose Marie you have been in my thoughts this week especially on Monday. Time will soften the loss.

May Kristin said...

Thank you for sharing this adorable photo of your mom. You and your family are still in my thouhgts, wishing you the comfort and strength you need. Take care!

Pam said...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss Rose Marie. It sounds like you had a wonderful and loving relationship with your mum. It was so good that you could enjoy her for so many years. Such a great photo of her.

CONNIE W said...

I extend my sympathy to you. It is a sad time. Very sweet photo.

Kieny The Dutchlady said...

Sorry for your loss Rose Marie. I wish you and your family lots of strenght. That is a lovely picture of your mother.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Dear Rose Marie, I am so sorry to hear of your loss, what a beautiful photo of your mum and what a great life she must have lived..90..that is a grand thoughts are with you and your family..take care, Peg

Kim said...

Rose Marie, thank you so much for sharing this photo of your mom with her sweet little chicks. Sounds like she did a fine job of raising her two caring daughters. You and your sister took such good care of her, may you always find peace and happiness in that and fond memories of mom.

Fabricmom said...

Great photo of your mom. God Bless you and your family.

MJMR said...

Losing my mother was one of the sadest and hardest times of my life. Like you I spend many hours with her at the doctor and the times she was in the hospital during the last year of her life. May Godd keep you in the palms of his hands during the next weeks.

Anne Ida said...

I'm so sorry for your loss! Thank you for sharing the lovely picture!
Thinking of you! Big hugs...

Gina said...

I'm so sorry about your mum.

You and your family are in my thoughts

love and hugs xxx

julieQ said...

Lovely picture of your precious mother. I am so sorry for your loss, and pray for peace to be with you and your family.

Teodo said...

Your Mum pic is so lovely.........
It's sweet think that our mother was a child and now that you loss she these memories are a nice treasure.
ciao ciao

Quiltgal said...

So sorry to hear of your Mom's passing.Deb

Andrea said...

So sorry to hear the sad news !

Deb said...

Rose Marie:
Your mom was a very special person to all of us and will be missed but not forgotten.
Your website is wonderful and I will be returning often. You are a wonderful person and an extremely talented individual.
Love Deb

Floss said...

The photo is lovely. Sorry to hear about your loss.

Helen said...

My condolences to you. That surely is a sweet picture!

Val said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers. I just could not imagine how you feel.

marisa said...

I'm so sorry for your loss.I have been losing my father for little time and I understand what he tries.Ciao

Janet said...

RoseMarie: I understand yourloss - no matter how long we have a loved one we always feel that it should have been longer- my mum passed on at 92 and I felt there were so many things we still had to share together. A lovely picture, too!
Warm thoughts go out to you.

atet said...

A beautiful photo, a touching memory and hugs to you from the cornfields as you take care of what needs to be done. :0)

Simonetta said...

Wonderful photo and I believe a great woman!I'm very sorry for your loss. Strongly hug Rose Marie!

Suzy said...

It was so nice of you to leave a comment on my Picasa Album webpage. Your idea of embroidery is brilliant!

I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom. My grandfather just passed away and his funeral is Friday. He was 92 and this past year his health and mind were declining rapidly. It's comforting to know he's now in heaven with my Nana and they are together once again.

My prayers are with you at this tough time. Quilty hugs.

MARCIE said...

Sending love and prayers your way. Such a darling picture of your mom as a child. Hope you are well.

Anonymous said...

All my thoughts are with you and your family. It is a hard time to live for you.

CarmiƱa said...

So sorry Rose Marie for your loss.
I will pray for her.
The Lover’s Knot Quilt always will remember you your Mom