Good golly …. where has the time gone? A year later and I still have quilts to show and things to talk about!
What a fascinating year this has been for me and the fabulous folks I have met through the web.
Thank YOU for stopping by and visiting me. If you are a frequent visitor, then I must be doing something right with my blog to keep you coming back.
Thank YOU for making my first year a success! :o)
I’ll be having a giveaway at some point to help celebrate this milestone; but for now family life has gotten in the way and I won’t have time to deal with that just now. In my travels, I’ll be picking up things here and there to add to the package.
I’ve been tagged recently by
Ila and
Loulee to list 7 things about myself. I don’t follow rules well and will just keep you in suspense and will reveal just a bit more about myself:
1. I’m nearly 6ft. tall, and my DH is a couple of inches shorter and he loves it when I wear heels. LOL
2. I still cut my own hair.
3. Just call me the ‘sweater lady’. That is what the lady at the bus stop in Gravenhurst said to me when I got off the bus for a pit stop on my way home from North Bay. She has seen me often lately and has been admiring my sweaters whenever I pass through.
4. I don’t dilly dally when I walk …. I move at a fast pace always …. like I’m on a mission.
There, now you know just a tad bit more about me. :O)
Have a great day!