Friday, January 11, 2008

Patched Rail Fences

Since I purchased my stippling quilting foot, many moons ago, I have wanted to try free form quilting but never got up the nerve to just try it on scraps. I gave you a wee peek just before Christmas and here is the quilt that was being worked on.

I had a blast doing the stippling and will definitely be doing more experimenting.

This quilt went together very quickly using strips of material sewn together and cut into rail fences and 4 patch blocks. I bought 1 metre of black and it is all gone now. The black was used here as well as in my Mom’s purse. Black seems to be popping up more and more in my quilts lately and it’s not a colour that is in my stash. Do you see a shopping urge coming along? :o)

Also, this is the first time that I have used the 100% cotton batting in a quilt. This quilt was dried in the dryer and it shrunk quite a bit, but love the effect and my quilting just seems to pop up more and looks old fashioned. My border is wonky as there is just not enough quilting there as compared to the inside blocks. I’ll have to play with different border quilting other than just straight stitching. It’s not my best; but it’s not bad either. :o)

I’ve been tagged again for ‘You Make My Day’ award. First tag was by Loulee and now Anne Ida. Thank you ladies and you two make my day as well! :o)

Have a great day!


Donna said...

I love machine stippling now that I've got the hang of it too. I have problems keeping a good stitch tension if there's lots of seams, but it is a lovely all over design...

Vicki W said...

That's a very striking quilt! To me it has a very Americana Folk Art look to it.

Cathi said...

I love reading about your adventures with stippling. One of these days I'll try it!

Leslie said...

The black is great, just sets it off so nicely.

Debi said...

Very pretty quilt, and I also love stippling and meandering.

Unknown said...

I always prewash my batting I have never been brave enough to let it shrink afterwards and see how the quilt would be with that effect, maybe I will do now! I like your quilt, did you use a pattern?

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Rose Marie...that is so must be very pleased it is so striking the black just sets it off...stippling is fun, I find it very relaxing.

Danetta said...

Very pretty. I love the black in it too.

Pam said...

That is a great quilt - so simple and scrappy but so striking with the black sashing. Really well done!!

~Bren~ said...

Beautiful! Free form quilting on the machine scares me. I also love to put black in my quilts...Shopping spree...yes!! you can never have too much black.

Teodo said...

beautiful quilt

and wonderful the bag you have done with orphan blocks.
ciao ciao

Anonymous said...

I love the way the black plays with the colors ... lets each group stand on its own.

I love black soooo much ... drum rolllll ... I bought an entire bolt! AND ... 90 inches wide to boot!

Unknown said...

I like that quilt very much. The colour choice is very well done and with the black sashing I think it has something from a church window. Machine stippling is just about quilting a lot. It gets better every time. Just don´t forget to breathe when doing it! Take care.

Anne Ida said...

It is a wonderful quilt, Rose Marie! The black really shows of the colours in the blocks and makes the quilt look alive - well chosen!

Machine stippling looks wonderful, and I love that antique puckered look :o)

Levi said...

HI there, I came across your blog thru the quilt ring. I too love applique. I absolutely love the winter blue trees pic posted. Great work!

*karendianne. said...

Oh my goodness I missed this last week.

This quilt is really neat. I mean - REALLY.

I saved the picture for inspiration. Gosh girl, can you get any more talent please. Sheesh.

Janet said...

Hi Rose Marie: Nothing beats a very thin 100% cotton such as Quilter's Dream Request weight - it drapes beautifully and as you found out washes into the slightly puckery - old-fashioned look. It's all I will use. Your work is exquisite - wonderful colours! And it's nice to be finding so many Canadians out there in blogland.
Janet in snowbound coastal Nova Scotia

Kim said...

You are a natural stippler and meander'rr. Your first quilt looked like you have been doing machine quilting for a while already...sigh. I continue to struggle but feel inspired by your work. :)