The beginning of the new year has made me sit back and reflect on my quilting and what I really, really want to achieve in 2012 .... and that is hand quilting. There are a number of tops waiting in my battered old trunk for needle and thread. So, on Jan. 1 my Hexagon quilt got started and I'm doing this one without a lap frame. A lot of the European quilters quilt without a frame and I thought this quilt would be perfect for that experiment. My stitches are not as tiny or as uniform but once this quilt is done and washed, it will have that perfect old-time look.

My new-to-me wicker loveseat has fast become
my spot for hand quilting and the girls don't seem to bother me here at all. Can we say
On the loveseat are my two current hand quilting projects.

Sitting on top of my battered old trunk is this floral box ...

.... which contains all of my hand quilting supplies.

To encourage me to stay on track for doing any hand quilting each day, is a schedule (that goes to the end of May (then it will be too hot to hand quilt). As long as I see a tick for each day, that makes me happy. There have been more ticks since this photo was taken.

This year will see a major change for DH, the girls and I .... as long as our house sells in the spring, we will be moving north. The process has started with the Xmas decorations. Wish us luck!

Have a great day!