Jennifer from
Bronze Wombat is in town with her DH to visit
their son and
Kiera Oona. I have been busy showing her the quilty side of life here in Toronto. We have been to a couple of quilt shops and the Creative Festival this past weekend. I won't show you my fabric that was purchased, but shall we say that there has been a vast enhancement to my stash ......
Today, my DH and I hosted Jennifer and her DH to lunch at my place and to a viewing of my completed quilts and some finished tops and lots of UFO's that have never been posted on my blog. Let's just say that she had an advance peek of stuff to come next year.
Here we are in our basement (which is something that Aussies don't have back in Australia). Did any of you notice that fine cast on Jennifer's arm? She fell and broke it last week. It was certainly not the souvenir that she was hoping to bring back home.

... and this is part of the aftermath of my show and tell. Even Hank is probably wondering 'what happened'?

Friday morning, Jennifer, Kiera Oona,
Debra (from Patchwork Sanity) and myself are going to a quilt show in Ajax and then lunch afterwards. Should be a lot of fun.
Have a great day!
Edit ..... they are visiting their son (not only Jennifer's son) ..... oops.