Don't be fooled by the title .... our summer so far has been anything but sweet. Rain, rain and more rain is what we have had. Heck, I've even been wearing socks with my sandals and capris. An odd combination (only indoors ... I'm not that odd, yet) to behold, but it just has not been warm enough to go barefoot. Mind you, my perennial garden is gorgeous. So, enough about the weather!
Just before my break, I left you with a bit of a tease. This is the top that has been sitting on my shelf for a few years now. During the process, I absolutely loved this design.

Then, on my bed it went for a looksee ..... and I was no longer in love with this quilt. Tooooooo much white! The little bit of blue sashing that you see might be the solution. Too much work to go that route. So, it got folded up and shelved.

A couple of months ago, out came that top. It was time to buckle down and do something with it. Now, a lot of you would be happy with it as is and you are thinking that I am a little bit crazy. Perhaps, I am after all! :o)

After cutting up some more blue sashing and laying them over the white sashing, I am happier with the look now. It will be a long process, but in the end, I will have a stunning quilt that I can be very proud of and have no regrets.
Where does one start with this remodeling? At one end working towards the other one row at a time.

Stay tuned.
Have a great day!
BTW ..... Summer Sweet is the name of this design.