Oh dear, I had a couple of oopsies with this top .... one I can easily fix (it is the top border), but the other one is a signature block, which is upside down and not easy to fix. So, it will stay and it will become my humble block.
By the time this top is finished, it will be a good twin size and perfect for taking a snooze under on the sofa.
The checkered border had to have a wee bit of coaxing to fit. So, now I just have to add some more borders to the other sides.
Two more blocks are needed for the borders. I have now made one and the other one is coming from a lady that was in the second group. As soon as that block arrives, the borders can be finished.
For any of you in the second group, you may have enough blocks to make a smaller lap quilt following this same layout. You would need to increase your sashings to 2-3/4" x 6" (cut 3-1/4" x 6-1/2"). If any of you are interested in border sizes, etc., please let me know and I will work that out for you.
Have a great day!