Photos of Finished quilts

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

A Christmas Quilt and a Rant!

Binding got put onto this quilt in time to put up for the Xmas holidays!  I'm happy it is done.  

I have been collecting a lot of Xmas fabrics from other quilt guild ladies when they put a pile of scraps on the table for minimal $$.  A lot of those fabrics went into this quilt and gave it a nice variety to look at.

Quilt Details:

Quilt Name:  Unallocated by Michelle McKillop

Quilt Size:  49-1/4" x 76" (size before quilting, washing and drying:  52-1/2" x 79")

Quilt Started:  December 2023

Quilt Finished:  December 2024

Batting:  Poly

Machine Quilted by:  Kathy Wareham

Tick, tick, tick ...... another one done and dusted and enjoyed!

When it comes to politics and my blog, I'm usually quiet ..... but not this time.  Nope, not this time.

Thanks for the invite "Rubber Lips" but Canada is not broken and we are good up here.  I'm PROUD to be a CANADIAN and will always be a CANADIAN!

What about those Americans, who pin a Canadian flag onto their backpack or suitcase because they are too embarrassed to be recognized as an American in other countries.  What flag will they pin on when they travel, eh?   I have seen this done many, many times over the last four decades of my travels.  Apparently, it is better to be seen as a Canadian rather than an American.  Pretty sad!

Cherish your day, cherish your life ..... cherish your country ..... and I cherish CANADA!


  1. Believe me, as an American I do not agree with any of “rubber lips” fantastical ideas. He is unpredictable and dangerous. Never underestimate anything he says. He is not working alone…

  2. Beautiful quilt Rose Marie. Oh dear, that man is a menace.

  3. Well done on your finish! Someone is pulling that man's strings, I wonder who.....I think we can guess.....

  4. i don't think there is much worry....he is just missing the attention because a true patriot man of integrity has died and is getting the attention....most of his ranting is just playground bravado...

  5. I don't know this block but it makes a very pretty quilt. I think it would be pretty in flannelette for a baby quilt too. Congrats on getting it done.
    I never talk politic on my blog either (too depressing and I have nothing nice to say) but, you go, girl! Who ever this "rubber lips" is can keep them closed together. Canadians are very nice but we have our limits like anyone else. I'm Canadian and I'll back you up any time. ;^)

  6. I would think Canada would say.....thanks...but no thanks! =)

  7. I know I've liked your quilting for a long time, but now I like you even more!!! And may the saints preserve us all.

  8. Hello from Downunder. Nice things first, thank you for your blog and showing your lovely quilts, much enjoyed and appreciated. Now, I feel I can comment as what this madman and his cronies seem to propose will not only affect the U.S. but all of us, unfortunately. Every time he opens his mouth his statements make him even more ludicrous. It's unbelievable it has come to this. And I know what I'd say if I were a Canadian. Glenda


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