Photos of Finished quilts

Monday, March 18, 2013

A quilting tale

You know, my nieces and nephews have quite the sense of humour.  I received this email yesterday from my niece, Nicole:

Once upon a time, a beautiful favourite niece princess spent her spring break with 
her uncle and aunt (the Quilting Queen) in their ice castle in Toronto.  The 
Quilting Queen figured that the princess should learn how to quilt, and so they 
started a quilt project. 
Years and years went by (8, actually), and although the princess diligently added
a few lines every now and then, things kept getting in the way (an honours thesis,
teacher's college, a wedding, new house, and a baby).  
Finally, one day, the princess finished sewing all fifty billion bleeping lines 
into the quilt, so she emailed her aunt and said "Dearest Quilting Queen- I think 
it's time for binding!"
Hmmmmm ..... I wonder what her reaction will be when I tell her that she needs
to cut all those fifty gazillion lines first before binding gets sewn on 
(it will be a chenille quilt)?  :o)
Have a great day!


  1. What a lovely story !
    I'm curious seeing that quilt ;>)


  2. Cute story. Who gets to do the cutting? My story got a new twist when #3 daughter took her brother's baby quilt home to replace the worn out stitching. With that finished and time still left, she is now beginning to repair the embroidery. Nothing like a quilt princess that does YOUR work!

  3. Hahahaha. That would be a great photo opportunity.

  4. That is so funny! Do let us know the reaction.

  5. I am anxious to see how the story ends.

  6. Wonderful story. I am curious to see how it ends.


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